IGI Announces the Availability of
Four New Books on Plastic Optical Fibers
A spate of new books on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF) has hit the market, indicating increased interest in the field. These include the following:

POF Handbook - Optical Short Range Transmission Systems
by Olaf Ziemann, Juergen Krauser, Peter E. Zamzow, and Werner Daum
Pre-Order Now - Ships April 18, 2008
Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibers
by Maryanne Large, C. Poladian, L. Barton and G. Eijkelenborg
Now Shipping
Polymer Fiber Optics: Materials, Physics, and Applications
by Mark G. Kuzyk
Now Shipping
MOST - The Automotive Multimedia Network
by Andreas Grzemba Now Shipping
Tables of contents and ordering information for these books are avialable at the above links along with other POF products on igigroup.com .
For more information please contact:
Kimberly Saladin
Information Gatekeepers Inc.
320 Washington Street, Suite 302
Boston, MA 02135
617-782-5033, Fax 617-782-5735
ksaladin@igigroup.com |