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The entire spectrum of "Wireless PCS/GSM Telecommunications" has taken on a whole new complexion. Starting with cellular mobile radio, wireless PCS communications has expanded to include almost every form of communications where the user is on the move. The market is forecasted to be several orders of magnitude greater than the cellular business. The FCC is considering opening new regions of the spectrum or shifting users to new frequency bands. New technology such as digital and spread spectrum will allow users to co-exist in existing bands allowing greater frequency efficiency. Developments in technology, business activity and regulation are occurring at a dizzying rate, making it essential for professionals in the field to subscribe to Wireless-PCS/GSM.
Subjects Covered?
- Market Opportunities
- PCS Technology
- International Developments
- Regulation/Policy
- Standards
- PCS Applications
- Procurements
- PCS Trials
- Market Forecasts
- New PCS Products
- Mergers and Aquisitions
- New Start Ups
Who should be interested?
- Telcos
- PCS Service Providers
- Entrepreneurs
- Users
- Manufacturers
- Investment Bankers
- Telephone Administrations
- Consultants
- Government
Benefits of subscribing to this newsletter?
- Keep up to date in this fast-moving field
- Saves time in reviewing many information sources
- Provides competitive information edge
- Provides valuable insights into regulatory developments
- Provides intelligence on the competition - joint ventures, buy-outs, new start-ups, acquisitions, and more