POF World 2000:
Applications ofPlastic Optical Fiber (POF)
June 19-21, 2000
San Jose Convention Center, CA
Like its predecessors POF World 2000 focused on Applications of Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) in a wide range such as: data, sensors, illumination and medical. POF applications have shown significant market growth over the past year. All will be covered in separate sessions devoted to each topic. Last year was the first time since 1995, that data and non-data applications of POF were held together. Based on the 1999 success, all applications will be included in all future POF World shows.
Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) based products are emerging across a broad spectrum of applications. There is now a strong desire to adopt low cost easy to use fiber-optic solutions in situations where previously the only available option was copper. POF is used or being designed into such broad applications as: multimedia, automotive and aerospace entertainment systems, lighting and architectural design, sensors, and point to point links. The challenge and the opportunity of marketing applications using POF are the main focus of POF World.
Signs, Illumination and Sensors
The applications for POF in signs and illumination continue to grow. Exciting new applications, such as woven fibers are truly spectacular. POF World is still the only place where manufactures in the POF sign and illumination world can get together for the exchange ideas of and display there products to potential customers.
Table of Contents
Data/ Sign & Illumination Joint Session
Chairman: Ed Berman, Boston Optical Fiber
Overview of POF
Ed Berman, Boston Optical Fiber and Chairman of POF Trade Organization (POF TO)
- POF in a 1394 Home Network
Scott Smyers, Sony Research Labs
- 1394 Overview
Jim Snyder, Texas Instruments and 1394 TA
- POF and Automobiles
Bob Steele, Delphi Packard Electric Systems
- Signs and Illumination Overview
Kevin Potucek, Pac Fab
POF Systems Applications
- Evolution of the 1394 POF Network
Shuntaro Yamazaki, NEC Corp.
- POF WDM Technology and Applications
Kyozo Saito, Alps Electric Co., Ltd.
- A Full Duplex Optical Transceiver Using Single POF for 1394
Y. Toriumi, Sony Corp.
- POF Transceivers for Optical Back-Planes
Olaf Schoenfeld, Infineon Technologies
- Evaluation of POF with High Speed Transceivers
Kazuki Nakamura, Mitsubishi Rayon
- Telecomuncations Applications for POF
Gary Grimes, Lucent Technologies
Signs and Illumination Applications
- Wet Application (pools, spas, etc.) - Kevin Potucek, PAC FAB
- Museums Lighting - Jack Miller Nouvir Lighting
- Architecture lighting - John Audette, "Special "T" Lighting
Presented in conjunction with
1394 DevCon 2000

June 20-22, 2000 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose.
Users and suppliers can benefit from each conference and exhibit.
Official Support
