There are a number of different flavors of Digital Subscriber Line ("DSL") connections available throughout Europe to a lesser or greater degree. The two biggest drivers for the provisioning of xDSL will be the increasing user demands for Internet and Video services. There are other applications that will also "jump on the xDSL bandwagon". However, the two prime drivers will undoubtedly be the Internet and Video, with the Internet probably taking the lead as more and more home and business users place more and more demands for quality service that can only be satisfied at affordable prices by the introduction of xDSL. This report analyzes the xDSL markets in Europe as a whole, and then divides the markets into six sections: UK and Ireland, Western Europe, Southern Europe, the Baltics, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe.
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
2 DSL Terminology and Definitions
- 2.1 Overview
- 2.2 ADSL
- 2.3 HDSL
- 2.4 SDSL
- 2.5 VDSL
- 2.6 DSL-Lite
3 xDSL Drivers
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 The Internet
- 3.3 Video
- 3.4 Other Drivers
4 Europe in General
- 4.1 Penetration
- 4.2 Incumbent Carriers
- 4.3 Cable Operators
- 4.4 Local Loop Unbundling ("LLU")
- 4.5 Pan-European Providers
5 The UK and Ireland
- 5.1 UK
- 5.1.1 Local Loop Unbundling
- 5.1.2 BT
- 5.1.3 Wireless and Cable Alternatives to BT
- 5.1.4 ADSL to Educational Establishments
- 5.2.0 Ireland
6 Western Europe
- 6.1 Austria
- 6.2 Belgium
- 6.3 France
- 6.4 Germany
- 6.5 Luxembourg
- 6.6 Portugal
- 6.7 Spain
- 6.8 Switzerland
- 6.9 The Netherlands
7 Southern Europe
- 7.1 Cyprus (Greek)
- 7.2 Greece
- 7.3 Italy
- 7.4 Malta
- 7.5 Turkey
- 7.6 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
8 The Baltics
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Estonia
- 8.3 Latvia
- 8.4 Lithuania
9 Scandinavia
- 9.1 Denmark
- 9.2 Finland
- 9.3 Iceland
- 9.4 Norway
- 9.5 Sweden
10 Eastern Europe
- 10.1 Albania
- 10.2 Bosnia-Herzegovina
- 10.3 Bulgaria
- 10.4 Croatia
- 10.5 Czech Republic
- 10.6 Hungary
- 10.7 Montenegro
- 10.8 Poland
- 10.9 Republic of Srpska
- 10.10 Romania
- 10.11 Slovak Republic
- 10.12 Slovenia
- 10.13 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Tables & Figures
- Table 1 - Sample Comparison of ADSL Penetration in Europe
- Table 2 - Austrian ADSL Installation Charges
- Table 3 - France Télécom Oleane Open ADSL for Business Users
- Table 4 - LuxDSL Features and Monthly Subscriptions
- Table 5 - Telepac, Portugal ADSL Offerings
- Table 6 - ADSL Packages from ONI, Portugal
- Table 7 - Telefonicas ADSL Services
- Table 8 - Growth of Telefonicas ADSL Service
- Table 9 - CYTA ADSL offerings in Greek Cyprus
- Table 10 - TTNet offerings from Turk Telecom
- Table 11 - ADSL Packages in Lithuania
- Table 12 - ADSL Packages in Norway
- Table 13 - HTdsl service in Croatia