Submarine Fiber Optics Communications Systems (SFOCS)
12 issues / year
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The field of Submarine Fiber Optics Communications Systems (SFOCS) for Telecommunications is booming. Driven by the internet demand, technology, deregulation, and privatization, Submarine Fiber Optics continues to present new business opportunities for existing and new players in the field. The SFOCS Newsletter provides a monthly Market Intelligence report on new developments in markets, technology and applications. Of special interest will be developments in optical amplifier technology, solutions, Wavelength Division Multiplexing and as these are having a major impact on the Submarine Fiber Optic business.
Subjects Covered?
- New Installations
- Technology Trends
- Carrier plans
- Route Maps
- Contract awards
- Market Demand Forecasts
- Reports
- Publications
- Market Trends
- Tenders
- New Products
- Regualtions
- Competitive Analysis
- Cost trends
- New Studies
- Market Assessments
- Potential Contracts
- PTT plans
- Policy
- Equipment Suppliers
- New Products
- Regualtions
- Competitive Analysis
- Cost trends
- New Studies
- Market Assessments
- Potential Contracts
- PTT plans
- Policy
Who Should be Interested?
- Carriers
- Consultants
- Investors
- System Suppliers
- Strategic Planner
- Cable Owners
- Users
- Equipment Suppliers
- Installers
- Regulators
- Software Developers
- System Integrators
- Governments
- Policy makers
- Component Suppliers
- Benefits of subscribing to this newsletter?
- Early warning of procurements planned or announced worldwide.
- Saves time in reviewing many information sources.
- Provides market insights into the impact of new developments, products, competition, technology and standards.
- Pays for itself in cost of Identifying, Locating, and acquiring hard-to-find key market information.
- Competitive analysis of market developments and plans of major users.
- Keeps you up-to-date in this fast moving field.
- Provides a competitive information edge.
- Order Multi-user PDF Email Version
What Are the Benefitds of Subscribing?
- Early warning of procurements planned or announced worldwide.
- Saves time in reviewing many information sources.
- Provides market insights into the impact of new developments, products, competition, technology and standards.
- Pays for itself in cost of Identifying, Locating, and acquiring hard-to-find key market information.
- Competitive analysis of market developments and plans of major users.
- Keeps you up-to-date in this fast moving field.
- Provides a competitive information edge.