"In order to make sure the economy grows, we must bring the promise of broadband technology to millions of Americans. My administration is promoting investment in broadband, but government at all levels should remove hurdles that slow the pace of deployment."
President George W. Bush
August 14, 2002, at the Waco, Texas, Economic Forum.
For years, technologists and futurists have speculated on a future characterized by the general availability of broadband access. That time has finally come! As discussed in the report, virtually anyone in the USA has at least one option for broadband access. There are still many problems in terms of availability of competitive options, deployment issues, technical barriers, and determining how we will use this new availability, but the future is here!
This report is focused on the access portion of the Lightwave Network. As suggested by its title, it covers all aspects of broadband access. This report includes telephony wired networks, CATV networks, passive optical networks (PONs), and radio-based networks. A major portion of the report is devoted to the discussion of market drivers, and extensively detailed market forecasts. These forecasts will be presented in terms of equipment market expenditures, the unit growth of various types of accesses, and total network traffic. It is directed at the technologies and business issues involved in providing access to the miracle of the optical network, i.e., "A Window to the Lightwave".
In this report, the impacts of the Internet traffic deluge on access networks are fully discussed and illustrated with examples. Transmission engineering and traffic engineering issues are illustrated, and the history of the current designs is traced to provide perspective. This design information also helps in understanding the overall network picture by providing links to other major network sectors.
As shown in the following chart, broadband access is becoming a major factor of American life.

(Click Chart To Enlarge)
In addition to the market information, the report includes extensive discussion of the technologies involved in the various types of access networks, including telephony type networks, cable TV networks, PONs and wireless approaches. It also provides a discussion of the primary technologies (xDSL and Cable modems used on these networks. Extensive listings and discussion of products is provided for the major vendors in each of the product categories.
Special features of this report include:
Extensive information on traffic calculations for DLCs and for DSLAMs Numerical examples are used extensively to illustrate the approaches.
An Appendix that outlines general information on how to calculate data traffic impacts in many circumstances.
Comprehensive economic models for comparing various approaches to providing the access network..
This is a "Lightwave Series" report, and it is consistent in every way, including terminology, data, and forecasts with other reports from that series.