Now you can have access to hundreds of hours of important, painstaking research, including an analysis of the entire list of applicants to the Google 1Gbps-to-the-home project.
Why would we undertake such an exercise, as well as dozens of conversations with IT directors throughout the country and a complete analysis of the broadband stimulus awards and other FTTH data?
It's to provide you with fresh research into what companies are building the next fiber-to- the-home networks in the United States, to give your company the critical edge you need to connect with the right companies in the often-confusing world of FTTH. We know vendors that spend many hours trying to locate the right builds themselves and waste lots of corporate time. This will help you to eliminate that wasted effort.
When you purchase The Next Fiber to the Home Buildouts in America, you will be able to connect to the companies that will be installing the next wave of fiber, that will be bringing the next gear to the residence. And they will need your products, your expertise, to do the job that is necessary.
In our extensive research, we found varied and compelling reasons why communities are turning to fiber-to-the-home. In one instance, a community's FTTH network had been blown away by a tornado and needed to be replaced. In another, a community found that it is doing such a good job bringing outside business to its community because of its enterprise fiber grid that it is a simple task for an ISP to come in and connect residences to that same grid. In a third, almost miraculously, rural farms that could not even get voice service now will be connected to fiber. Talk about a life-changing event!
But the real reason, as we all know, is so that communities will not be left behind. Bring fiber to your citizens—whether you are a telco, CLEC, municipality/utility, MSO, etc.—and you are giving them a chance to compete economically. Don't do so and they will bear the economic consequences for years to come.
When you purchase The Next Fiber To The Home Buildouts in America, you are giving your company a head start on competing vendors that do not have this information. With over 100 listings of must-have buildouts, some of which you will not be aware of, you are arming your company with the knowledge it needs to be successful. With one job from these listings, and we believe that is a modest appraisal, you will pay for this report many times over.
When you purchase The Next Fiber To The Home Buildouts in America, you will also receive valuable information about each of the applicants that applied for the Google 1Gbps project, painstakingly gathered so you can have the leads and contacts you need going forward to be successful in the coming FTTH America. There is no question that with the intent there, many of these communities eventually will go to fiber. You will be in the position to help them when the time comes.
Give your company every chance to succeed as FTTH opportunities arise. Get your copy now of The Next Fiber To The Home Buildouts in America.