The dynamic telecom market in China will continue to grow. The establishment of the Ministry of Information Industry, the proposed break up of China Telecom, the strengthening of China Unicom, and the growth of the Internet market will all lead to the sustained growth of fiber optics market in China in the next 10 years.

Market Research Reports
Each Report Will Cover: Market Development, Demand and Supply, Market Forecast, Government Plans, Marketing and Sales Contacts, Operator Contacts, Vendor Profiles
Report 1. China Telecom 2000 Vol. 2: Fiber Optics Market & Opportunities (March 1999)
This report provides an overview of Chinas fiber optics market. It outlines the telecom market structure and the network deployment of China Telecom, Unicom, private Ministries and CATV networks. It covers the demand and supply of optical fiber, fiber optic cable, and SDH and DWDM equipment. Government development plans and market forecasts are provided. The report also provides contact information of service providers, and key equipment manufacturers.
Report 2. Telecom Backbone Network & the Market for SDH and DWDM Equipment in China (May 1999)
China Telecom has been so far concentrating their fiber deployment efforts on the backbone networks. As a result of the large investment, China has completed the 8-horizontal and 8-vertical fiber optic backbones at the end of 1998 with a total length of 173,000 route km. The fiber backbone network has covered all the 31 mainland provincial capitals and SDH and DWDM equipment has been widely deployed in the backbones. Chinas transport network is divided into four different layers: inter-province long-haul network (layer 1), intra-province long-haul network (layer 2), junction network (layer 3) and access network (layer 4). Report 2 will cover the development and market of the inter- and intra-province long haul networks. The report will present network layout, node location, route capacity and fiber counts on each route. The market for SDH and DWDM equipment will be analyzed with market forecast till 2010. It will present the market shares of the major SDH and DWDM equipment suppliers in China including Lucent, Nortel, Alcatel, NEC, Marconi, Siemens, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Nokia, ECI, Huawei, Zhongxing, Wuhan Research Institute, among others.
Report 3. Optical Fiber and Fiberoptic Cable Market in China (June 1999)
The market for optical fiber and fiber optic cable in 1998 reached US $600 millionand US $200 million respectively. IGI forecasts show the demand for optical fiber will reach 5.8 million fiber km in 1999 and 7 million fiber km in the year 2000. Although the supply of fiber optic cables in China greatly exceeds market demand, much of the fiber used has been imported. Report 3 will examine the demand and supply of optical fiber and fiberoptic cable markets in China. Based on the network construction plans of China Telecom, Provincial PTAs, China Unicom, Private Ministries, and CATV operators, the demand for fiber and fiberoptic cables is estimated with forecast to the year 2010. The supply of fiber and cable by domestic fiber and cable joint ventures and Chinese companies is analyzed. The major fiber and cable manufacturers studied include: Yangtze (Changfei) Optical Fiber and Cable Company in Wuhan, Shanghai Lucent, Xian Xigu, Wuhan Research Institute, Shenzhen Guangtong, Chengdu Sumitomo, and Nanjing Huaxin-Fujikura, Shanghai Huaxin, Chengdu Siemens, Beijing Lucent and others.
Report 4. Fiber Optics in Metro and Access Telecom Networks in China (August 1999)
Fiber optics has been deployed in quantity in Chinas junction networks and it is beginning to be deployed in the access networks. In the next few years, more fiber will be deployed in metro and access networks than in the backbones. Major market opportunities exist in these areas for fiber, cable and equipment manufacturers.
Report 4 will cover the development and market opportunities of fiber optics in metro and access telecom networks. The development plans of major eastern provinces and cities in China, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, will be presented. Market potential and opportunities for fiber, cable, SDH and DWDM equipment will be analyzed.
Report 5. Fiber Optics in Private and CATV Networks in China (October 1999)
In addition to China Telecom, Provincial PTAs, and China Unicom, there are several other ministries that are major users of fiber optic systems. These users include the Ministry of Railways, State Power Bureau, State Petroleum Bureau, Ministry of Public Security, and the State Bureau of Radio, Film and TV. By the end of 1998, China had 80 million CATV subscribers, and many CATV operators are upgrading their networks using fiber optics. Report 5 will present the opportunities of fiber optics in the private and CATV networks. It will give an overview on the development of fiber optics in these networks and their future network development plans. Key CATV network operators will be profiled, with complete contact information. The market for fiber, cable, SDH and DWDM equipment in CATV and private networks will be analyzed.
Marketing and Sales Guide in Fiber Optics in China (April 1999)
The fiber optics market in China is huge, but it is not easy to penetrate even for the established large companies, unless you have IGIs Marketing and Sales Guide in Fiber Optics in China. This Guide will outline the procurement process of fiber optic systems in China and identify the end users such as the Post and Telecom Appliances Corporations, the relevant departments at China Telecom, China Unicom, the Ministry of Railways, the State Power Bureau, the Ministry of Public Security, Provincial Post and Telecom Administrations, and Provincial CATV stations. The Guide will also list the joint ventures and domestic manufacturers of optical fiber, fiber optic cable, and SDH and DWDM equipment. Complete contact information in both Chinese and English will be listed including contact person, phone, fax, company address, and in some cases mobile phones. The Guide is not simply a fiber optics directory; it is your key to entering the Chinese fiber optics market.
China Telecom Newsletter (Ready for shipment)
A monthly newsletter covering the latest development in the telecom and fiber optics market in China. China Telecom Newsletter provides you with the latest news and analysis on telecom policy, regulation, government plans, major projects, procurements, contact awards, Chinese manufacturers, trade shows and conferences.
Ten Hours of Consulting Time
Subscribers of the China FiberCOM 2000 will have 10 hours of consulting time to call IGI telecom analysts regarding the fiber optics and the telecom markets in China.