It is inevitable that incumbent local exchange carriers will lose significant market share within their franchise boundaries. The competing technologies-terrestrial wireless, satellite, or cable- are simply more economical than the ILECs circuit switched, copper-based network for multimedia services and will become more economical for voice as their market share declines. It is also now economically practical for multiple competitors to provide fiber facilities in core business districts. Additionally, continued improvements in fiber optic technology and newly available millimeter wave radio systems (i.e., wireless fiber) extend the reach of competitive providers even further to include smaller cities and businesses. The ILECs natural response to their competition is to expand beyond their franchise boundaries as full-service competitive local exchange carriers or by acquisitions. This, in turn, results in more competition for the other ILECs.
In this comprehensive report you will:
- Analyze the competitive threat to local exchange carriers from competing technologies that will provide either voice or data services.
- For ease-of-use and comparison, outlines the state of each technology, the key application areas and special strengths, weaknesses and limitations, key providers and users, market size and forecast of the technology adoption.
- Provides an assessment and opinion as to the direction of the industry
Table of Contents
Chapter One
- The Telecommunications Landscape
Chapter Two
- Traditional Whirling Telephone Network
Chapter Three
- Terrestrial Wireless
- Cellular, PCS, 2.5 Generation, and 3rd Generation
- Personal Communication Services (PCS)
- Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services (MMDS)
- Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS)
- Wireless Fiber
- Other Wireless
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
- Fiber-Based Competitors
- Chapter Six
- Satellites
- Direct Broadcast Satellites (DBS)
- Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs)
- Narrowband LEOs
- Broadband LEOs
- A. Notes to Exhibits 5.2 and 5.3
- B. List of selected cities and localities served by CAPs
- C. Iridium investment partners
List of Acronyms
- Coppers Competition
- Adoption of Interoffice SONET Equipment
- Adoption of Loop SONET Equipment
- Local Exchange Network Architecture
- cost of Wireline vs. Market Share
- Switching Technology Shares-Late ATM Scenarios
- Adoption of Interoffice SONET
- Adoption of Loop SONET
- Digital Service Availability on Fiber-All Household & Business Location
- Diagrammatic Cellular Cluster Frequency Pattern
- Cellular Telephone Network Architecture
- Next-Generation Wireless Systems
- Wireless Subscribers by Technology
- Top 10 Licenses ranked by total population across markets
- Top 25 wireless companies in terms of actual subscribers
- Wireless market make-up
- US Cellular/PCS Subscribers- Percentage of US Population age 15 and older
- US Cellular/PCS Subscribers
- US Cellular/PCS Subscribers (table)
- Basic LMDS Network Architecture
- Top LMDS Bidders
- LMDS U.S. Business Services Market
- Traditional Cable TV Network Tree and Branch Architecture
- Hybrid Fiber/Coax Cable TV System
- Households using digital services
- Cable modems addressable market size
- Gompertz forecast for cable modems
- Gompertz forecast for cable modems (table)
- Gompertz forecast for cable voice subscribers
- Gompertz forecast for cable voice subscribers (table)
- Network carrier SONET/SDH Peak transmission rate vs. time
- Competitive Access fiber systems, other available data 1997
- Competitive access fiber systems 1997
- Fiber miles
- Percentage growth in fiber systems
- SCPC broadcast network
- Bi-Directional data TDMA networks
- DAMA network
- Frequency allocations for nongeostationary satellite services
- Iridium system overview
- Facts about the Iridium constellation
- Celestri LEO system architecture
- Multimedia communications market growth
- U.S. residential broadband satellite subscriber forecast