New Datacomm Research Report:
CDMA Will Unleash the Internet
Next Generation Wireless Devices
Will Number More Than 500 Million By 2005
August 7, 2000 - Chesterfield, Missouri - CDMA-based wireless services will
enable hundreds of millions of people to access multimedia content anytime,
anywhere. That is one of the conclusions of the new 248-page study, Global
CDMA Business Opportunities, released today by Datacomm Research Company.
"The wireless Internet market will explode once operators begin delivering
streaming media at reasonable prices. Our research shows that CDMA-based air
interfaces will get there first," said Ira Brodsky, President of Datacomm
Research and principal author of the report. "The ten million people in
Japan accessing the Internet from wireless phones today represent just one
drop in a sea of potential users."
The report describes many of the new products, services, and business models
enabled by CDMA. New consumer products will include Internet radios that
download music on-demand, wireless cameras that print to the Web, personal
navigators providing turn-by-turn driving directions, and electronic wallets
offering the convenience of cash with guaranteed security and privacy. The
report also examines how Internet-based business models will transform the
mobile telephone industry.
Global CDMA Business Opportunities includes an Executive Summary presenting
market forecasts for North America, Asia/Oceania, Latin America, Europe, and
the Rest of the World. The Enabling Technologies section analyzes and
compares different flavors of CDMA, competing wireless data solutions, and
related technologies. The Business Opportunities section discusses dozens of
new applications and business models. The Markets section discusses CDMA
status and plans in more than 45 countries. Over 55 manufacturers and
operators are featured in the Vendor Profiles section, including Qualcomm,
Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia, Lucent, Motorola, KDDI, Sprint PCS, and many more.
Datacomm Research Company is a leader in tracking, analyzing, and
forecasting emerging telecommunication markets. Other Datacomm reports
include Wireless Web Wonders, Portals to Profit, Bandwidth Bonanza, and
Satellites in Cyberspace.
Global CDMA Business Opportunities is available for immediate delivery and
sells for $1,795.00 (printed or electronic version; $1,995.00 for both
versions). Orders may be faxed to (314) 514-9793, phoned to (314) 514-9750,
or mailed to Datacomm Research Company, 14318 Millbriar Circle,
Chesterfield, Missouri 63017. The report may also be ordered online from the
firm's (secure) Web site at www.datacommresearch.com. Visa, Mastercard, and
American Express accepted.
Additional conclusions found in Global CDMA Business Opportunities:
1. CDMA is operators' near-unanimous choice for third-generation wireless
services, because it is the only air interface that can satisfy both
tomorrow's voice and data requirements. Despite competing flavors, cdma2000
and W-CDMA, harmonized standards and multi-mode handsets promise to expand
roaming and boost economies of scale.
2. Wireless Internet success depends on three new services: Mobilization,
Personalization, and Localization. Mobilization makes existing Internet and
enterprise applications available to users on the go. Personalization gives
users the features and content they want regardless of where they are or
what type of device they are using. And Localization provides mobile users
with information and services specific to their current location.
3. Qualcomm's High Data Rate (HDR) technology will give cable modem and DSL
services a run for their money. HDR offers unprecedented Internet
portability (access from different locations) and mobility (access while en
route). HDR delivers a new level of "always on" performance because, unlike
fixed solutions, it is "always there." And HDR will enable ISPs to offer
high-speed access in locations not served by cable modems or DSL.
4. cdma2000 has major advantages over W-CDMA. cdma2000 will deliver full
IMT-2000 capabilities (speeds up to 2 Mb/s) in one-third as much spectrum.
Commercial cdma2000 service will be introduced first -- most likely early
2001. And cdma2000 is backward compatible with the cdmaOne technology
already used by nearly 70 million subscribers.
5. W-CDMA, the preferred solution in markets dominated by GSM, will also be
successful. W-CDMA will be first deployed in new spectrum allocated for 3G
services; then it will slowly replace GSM and U.S. TDMA in existing
spectrum. However, W-CDMA is likely to take longer to develop and
commercialize than proponents claim.
6. CDMA will enable new wireless business models. Greater network capacity
means less reliance on usage-based pricing and more use of
advertising-subsidized and e-commerce-based models. CDMA's robust data
performance leads the way to a plethora of enhanced services.