
Telecom Equipment 2011 Mini-Report Series |
Information Gatekeepers (IGI) has just published a series of new market reports on ROADMs, DWDM, Routers and Switches based on the original comprehensive report - “Market Forecasts and Technologies of ROADMs, DWDM, Routers, and Switches – 2011.”
The original report investigates the market and technologies for ROADMs and provides forecasts through 2017 by type of ROADM and by US and World usage. This report also covers all the major items of network infrastructure in addition to ROADMs – DWDM, Routers and Switches. The report achieves this by reviewing the markets for several dominant types of telecommunications equipment: ROADMs, DWDM, Routers, and Switches. For the first time, you can buy a mini-report covering only one specific market of your interest. |
Vol. 1 - Market Forecasts and Technologies for ROADMs
The flexibility introduced by ROADMs has the potential to offer great operations cost savings as well as possibly capital cost savings and, ultimately, new revenue sources. Because of these potentials, this system development is of great interest to all major carriers. Even in this time of extremely tight capital budgets as we recover from the 2008-2009 Recession, everyone is interested in investments that offer substantial operational savings.
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Vol. 2 - Market Forecasts and Technologies for DWDM
DWDM has become one of the most widely accepted of technologies in the shortest time in the history of telecommunication. Even an innovation like fiber optics took a considerable interval of years to overcome skepticism before it ever really became widespread. DWDM has, in just a relatively few years, come in to existence, and now as we move into the second decade of the availability of DWDM, not only are there a lot of systems deployed, but also the true mark of an accepted technology has occurred in the development of several "next generation" DWDM systems.
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Vol. 3 - Market Forecasts and Technologies for Switches
Switches are fundamentally very simple devices, with no intelligence of their own. The application of these simple devices with various kinds of intelligence added gives rise to the array of things that we often ambiguously refer to as "switches." We shall consider these devices beginning with TDM switches and ending with DACS, the least intelligent. Many would include routers in this listing, but those are treated separately in the mini-report on Routers.
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Vol. 4 - Market Forecasts and Technologies for Routers
Routers have been a fundamental network element in the IP world for many years. They originated in the very early 1980s at some of the major universities then connecting to Arpanet. For several years, routers took a back seat to bridges and repeaters for interconnecting networks. Then in the early 1990s, as data began the explosion that is still in progress, routers enjoyed a resurgence of popularity. They now are the major element in the Internet, and with the unending acceleration of growth in the Internet, they continue to grow in importance as a network element.
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