The Lightwave Report Series of reports is an integrated and consistent approach to developing understanding of the entire optical network as well as the major systems comprising that network. Each of the individual reports offers a discussion of the technologies involved in the primary system of the report, an applications review, a detailed analysis of the market drivers impacting the subject system, a listing of all of the major vendors of the subject systems as well as a discussion of their products, and forecasts for market results for the subject systems as well as for prices of the systems.
These reports are developed in such a manner so that each one is a complete standalone document for its primary subject, but they are also consistent across the entire network to allow a broader understanding of the overall network.
The series is offered by IGI Consulting Inc. and prepared by Clifford Holliday of B & C Consulting Services, an industry veteran with over 38 years of telecommunications experience.
For more Information on ordering the complete series at a discounted rate call:
617-232-3111 or email:
General Market Reports
Recovery Trilogy Book 1
The Telecom Market : A Delayed Return
This report answers the question that everybody in our business is asking, "When is this thing going to be over?" This report provides more than just an answer; it also provides a detailed qualitative and quantitative description of the nature of the telecommunications market as it returns.
Recovery Trilogy Book 2
The Winners & Losers
The Changing Landscape of the Lightwave
This report provides an analysis basis to aid in conceptualizing what the future telecommunications industry of the United States might look like. It also "names names" by discussing specific companies that are likely to survive and those that are not. the report covers both equipment vendors and teleommunications carriers, and uses many subcategories of each to improve the usefulness of the forecasts.
Recovery Triliogy Book 3
Recovery From the Edge
Lightwave Segment Forecasts
This report provides market forecasts (through 2006) of the nine segments of the Lightwave Network. It includes details of the sectors with a discussion of the current drivers in each area, and the companies that are likely to lead the sector.
The Lightwave Post 9-11
This report provides a complete study of the impact of the 9-11 attacks on the telecommunications market. It provides a new set of forecasts that include that impact as well as the impact of the recession. It is a complete update of "Riding the Lightwave Down and back Up"
Riding the Lightwave Down and Back Up This is a report that reviews the previous market forecasts for the Lightwave Network and revises those forecasts in light of the 2000-2001 downturn. New forecasts are provided for each of the nine areas of the Lightwave Network, as well as an analysis of the downturn.
Riding the Lightwave
This report is an overview of the entire Lightwave Network. It provides a nine-part taxonomy (that is used throughout the series) for the network, a discussion of key issues in each area, a listing of vendors in each area, and market forecasts for each area.
Specific System Reports
Broadband Access:
The Window to the Lightwave
This report covers the market and technical considerations of broadband access. Its market forecasts and traffic forecasts are based on the latest data through 2Q 2002. It includes telephony, CATV, PON, and various forms of radio-based access technologies. In addition to the market information, forecasts, and technology background, this report contains a listing of all major vendors in the area. It also includes a number of models addressing various traffic, design and cost issues in Broadband Access.
Switching the Lightwave
This report is an exhaustive review of the subject of optical switches and cross-connects.
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"Bringing the Lightwave Home"
This is a comprehensive report on all aspects of the residential access network, and its immediate appendages. It includes the access networks themselves (telco, PONs, cable, and radio), residential gateways, and home networks.
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Metro Lightwave
This report covers all aspects of metropolitan networks, including economic models, market forecasts, and extensive discussions of the available equipment.
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Metro DWDM
This report is an exhaustive study of DWDM. It provides an extensive discussion of technology, applications, and vendors. It also introduces the name M-DWDM.
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Terabit Routers
The Converged Network's
Basic Building Block
This report deals exclusively with the very large routers know as Terabit Routers, intended for the network core. The report illustrates their applications, and discusses why they are needed in the network.
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General Reports On The Network
Buying the Lightwave
This report brings together many of the techniques used in the other reports of the series and from the authors consulting practice, to value DWDM and other optical network equipment. It provides ways to estimate costs, benchmark costs, models for evaluating M-DWDM vs. SONET for metropolitan networks, and models for evaluating mesh vs. ring architectures.
Who's Who in Optical Networking
The unprecedented growth in the national networks, based almost exclusively by the growth in Internet traffic, has caused a scramble by service providers and equipment vendors to develop the most economical and appropriate approaches to meet this growth. Naturally, this demand driven market has also resulted in many new entrants, both service providers and equipment developers. Since the collapse of the telco markets and the 9-11 attack, many of these new entrants (and some old ones) have departed, or vastly changed their product slates.